Saturday, February 11, 2012

Smith Criticizes Appointment of Public Advocate for Illegal Immigrants

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) today announced the appointment of a public advocate to handle complaints and questions about the administration’s immigration enforcement policies.  This new position will serve as a point of contact for illegal and criminal immigrants in deportation proceedings as well as NGOs and other community and advocacy groups.  House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) criticized the creation of this new position in his statement below. 

Chairman Smith:  “It’s outrageous that the Obama administration has appointed a taxpayer-funded activist for illegal and criminal immigrants who are detained or ordered deported.  The administration all too often acts more like a lobbying firm for illegal immigrants than as an advocate for the American people. 

“This is just further proof that the Obama administration puts illegal immigrants ahead of the interests of Americans. The Obama administration’s lack of immigration enforcement allows illegal immigrants to steal jobs away from American workers and now their in-house lobbyist for illegal immigrants costs U.S. taxpayers more money.  Illegal immigration already costs U.S. taxpayers billions each year.

“This is also another example of the Obama administration sidestepping Congress to fulfill its campaign wish list.  When Congress created the Department of Homeland Security, it created an ombudsman for immigrants in the legal immigration process but declined to create one for illegal immigrants.   The President cannot continue to willfully ignore the laws and intent of Congress. 

“Who will advocate for American taxpayers and workers?  And who will advocate for the victims of crimes these illegal immigrants have committed?  Based on their record, it seems this administration won’t.”

House Judiciary Committee

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